Saturday 15 December 2012

XFACTOR year 2

studying, done.
dinner, done.
watched XFACTOR, done.


I've just finished watching The XFactor. like seriously, I'm obesessed.
I've been watching it since audition, maybe?
Elly told me about this guy who looked like Justin, Reed Deming. That's the beginning. Because of you, Reed, I'm watching Xfactor. 

kinda like justin?

Ok, Reed didn't make it to the live shows. but, nevermind. So, I've been suporting this beautiful thirteen-years-old, Carly Rose Sonenclare. Her voice is spectacular.  Seriously, wow. 


And.......... Emblem Three. They made it to the live shows but not the finals :( but still, they did it till the semi-finals *claps* Weeeeeeeee. 


BUT, the problem here is. 
I couldn't watch the XFACTOR final. Coz I won't be here in Malaysia. But, neh. Youtube kan adaaaaa.

Ok, the END. Yayyyyyyyyyy! 

Monday 10 December 2012


Hello, so, this is the STARSHIPS (27) post. The one i told you before.
I'm one of the shippers and I'm proud of it. We are always together eventhough we fight sometimes, yeah, that one time when we almost gave up because of , you know, fights. But, at the end of the day, we are in the same group, going through the Ups and Downs together.
I miss you, shippers :) Together since 18th September.

Amirah Wardah (me)
Misha Nadira
Eisyah Hanun
Mariam Hanisa
Arina Rohaizad
Diana Syahirah
Nik Auni
Amirah Ilyana


We had many activities and I'm gonna share some of them

We had to build a house, which has to be eco-friendly and saves energy. Using solar and everything. Teacher Hazwani was in-charge. She's my fav science teacher. She told us A DAY before the competition. We we're like 'WHATTTTT?! We have to build a house and we only have like less than 24 hours to buy the stuff and discuss and conclude it.' So, after school, Misha, Eisyah and I went to the mall to buy some stationeries, cardboards, scissors, glue, paper, and a lot more to bulid our eco-friendly house. I've been to EUREKA with Eyqa before, during 2011 and it's quite the same but we have like two weeks before the big day.

The competition, it went well, we made a beach house, which is near the beach, yeah, obviously and we made this rooftop garden which is quite cool (hehe) and there were some Solar cells on the rooftop.

us with our 'eco' house

the next day, presentation day. we have to present our house in front of everybody. Mariam and I prsented it and Alhamdulillah, everything went well. Teacher randomly called us and that was frightening.  Before we came home, teacher announced the nominees for the best eco house and Starships was the first one. The groups who aren't nominated can bring their eco houses back home.

And on the next day, the results. WE WON. Thank you, Allah. I remember Teacher Hazwani said, 'don't forget to make a scrapbook about your house' and, we were so happy that we won, maybe. We didn't make the scrapbook. It's because we forgot. SORRY TEACHER. 

Sushi-making competition. That was fun. But, Misha, Eisyah and I were the only ones who made it because the others were busy studying for PSRA. But, we still call each other. we called Batrisyia and some other shippers who were studying to tell them about how's Starships so far.. That was fun ;) Sushi day was cool because we were using foods yeayyy. We went shopping the day before and bought the ingredients and some decorations.. So, this is it 

This is the worst but, we still had fun. As usual, PSRA candidates are studying that leaves me, Misha and Eisyah. We didn't go out for shopping coz to us, it's just maggi. duuuh. we were wrong. and teacher made it like a camping-cooking, something like that. It was tough. Eisyah was good in cooking, so she's the chef. Misha and I will be her helper. We did everything on the grass, like this

no newspapers. wow.

We all thought we are gonna make our maggi in the hall or something like that. And, I fail in cooking. Yes. That one time when Eisyah instructed me to pour water and suddenly boom, i created  a big fire and catastrophe. Some other students helped us, Thanksss. We made three bowls of maggi. One, very spicy, another one, very sour-y and the last one, egg-y. An egg exploded in it, i think. 

our marks weren't as high as the others but, we tried. and never say never. 
The next day, Misha, who ate the egg-y maggi was fine, I ate the sour-y maggi had a stomachache, and Eisyah, who ate the very spicy maggi had Five days MC. 

This is the best. All Shippers were there :)  PSRA was over. 

We sold candies, and chocolates and lollipops, pizzas. Those sugary foods. We had so much fun. we almost bankrupted because the first customers were kindergarten kids. WE WERE BAD in handling kids. That's why. The second customers were Teachers. Teachers dont like candies. We were still down. And that one point when we were like 'tu lahh siapa suruh jual candy, kan takde orang nak beli!' 'lain kali jual lah benda lain!' BUT THEN, the third customers were standard four and five students. That's when we were like 'oh nasib baik jual candy hehe'. Arina's mom brought 8 pizzas more as additional because everyone were looking forward to the pizzas. Yeayy! 

making posters

the lollipops and sweets

achieved our goal

tutup kedaaaai time

it was such a long day. we won third place for the most profit earned. The Exotics won first place and the game station won second. 

we made this. Handmade. And we won yeyyy.
Eisyah and our 'quilt'.

I think that's all about us, Shippers. I do miss them :) So long, for now, BYEE


First post

And hello :)
This is my not-so-pretty blog. I haven't designed it yet. and seriously, I FAIL in designing blogs. I AM NOT GOOD. Maybe, i'll just start with publishing some posts.. ok bluh-bluh-bluh, let me introduce myself.

ME :) (the left one, that's me. And that's Khal  standing next to me)

My name is Amirah Wardah. I am living in Bandar Kinrara, with my family. Studied at SK Taman Putra Perdana from 2007- 2011. Graduated as an SK Seksyen 1 Bandar Kinrara standard six student. And I'll be studying at SMK Seksyen 4 Bandar Kinrara next year.

me and Yasmin during the the last week as a primary school student

I was born on 1st January 2001 aka 01/01/01 lol. I'm a new year baby. I love Justin Bieber. I'm a Belieber. I have four lovely sisters and I'm the second one. My dad's not always with us because he's always flying but, that's why video-calls are invented ;)

yasmin, nadeen, balqis, me and papa.

 I just received my UPSR results. Well, I'm gonna tell you later about what happened, it's quite long. and sad.

Now, what moreeee? Ok, about school. I'm a former 6 Berlian student and a PRS which is just a coincidence. I'm a new student at SKS1BK and on the first day, I was selected to be the assistant monitor for 6 Berlian which was surprising and awkward. And every assistant monitor , and monitor, obviously are chosen to be a PRS.

Zuzu, me and Shaheen wearing our PRS uniform while drinking Justea. lol

I love my team, Starships. And, im a shipper. I miss them since school is over right now. aka PRIMARY SCHOOL IS OVER. I have  a lot to tell you about Starships. Next post, maybe.

our 'Hari Usahawan' banner 

And, yes, I really miss SKTPP. I miss my friends, teacher. and I miss Eyqa, Fatin, Alya, Alia and everyone. Best Friends since 2006 and still counting :)

 Maybe that's all for now. Byeee :)